Friday, June 11, 2010

New in AmaTierra's Kitchen - Quinoa

Margarita, AmaTierra's Head Chef is at it again, experimenting with new delicious creations in the kitchen. This time, the ingredient of choice is Quinoa, a vitamin-rich, high-protein, high-fiber grain native of the South American Andean highlands and very popular in Peruvian cooking. A wonderful side addition to any meal or combined with a hearty curry or stew as a meal on its own, our new gourmet Quinoa recipes are both tasty and nutritional, providing 7 grams of protein and 11 grams of dietary fiber per 1/4 cup serving! Given its high protein content, Quinoa is ideal for vegetarian and vegan cooking, and Margarita's new Peruvian stew is 100% vegetarian with zucchini, tomato, carrot, bell pepper, cilantro and celery - seasoned with coriander, cumin, chile powder, cayenne and oregano for a homestyle recipe you'll be dying to try at home. And the best part is, Quinoa is available in most health food stores and now in some grocery stores, so you can enjoy it both here at AmaTierra and back in your home kitchen.
Quinoa is easy to make, just rinse it with cold water, place it in a pot with water (2:1 water to Quinoa ratio), and cook covered on medium-heat for 15 minutes or until the grain is soft. Combine with vegetables, spices and curries as a nutritional alternative to rice, couscous or pasta. Fluff with a fork before serving. Enjoy!
AmaTierra cookbook coming soon...

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